Roman Zipp
Get TTS with natural Voices on macOS without external Tools
You don't need fancy tool to get Text-to-Speech on macOS, even baked into Firefox

Stop all Adobe & Creative Cloud Processes on macOS via Script
Installing any Adobe Software on your computer comes with a huge load of bloatware. Stop all of this with a simple shell script.

MotoGP 2025: Generate iCal Calendar
MotoGP Season 2025 is starting, with the help of this tool you can generate a URL you can subscribe to with your calendar app.
Tampermonkey: Always select best Video Quality for YouTube
I'm starting to open source the Tampermonkey Extension scripts that I'm using all the time!
Rant: Microsoft is a f*cking mess
Microsoft deprecates Edge Extension API, new endpoint throws HTTP 500 and they won't offer any support.

How to style <progress> Element with Tailwind
Styling the HTML progress element isn't as straight forward as you think. We'll take a look and craft pretty progresses with Tailwind CSS.

Laravel dd() not showing Dump as HTML
I recently ran into an issue where the Laravel dd() Helper did not show anything, what the heck?

How to use a Custom Domain for Local Development on macOS
How to setup a custom domain for your Lando projects using dnsmasq on macOS, step-by-step guide

No, you can't use your $6,299.00 Camera as a Webcam. That will be $5
$30 billion company want's you to pay $5 for using your own camera as a webcam

Fix Laravel Job Queue not processing with MaxAttemptsExceededException
Fix issues with the Laravel Job Queue not processing jobs due to max attempts exceeding.

2025 Edition: Best macOS Apps
It's January, new me? New apps! Again a collection of macOS & iOS apps I learned to love in the last year.

Ghostty + Zellij + Fish Shell
Ghostty just dropped, let's intergrate it with my previous Terminal stack of Zellij and Fish!

Change WezTerm blurred Window Background & Opacity on Focus
Enabled blurred window background with WezTerm on macOS and toggle when focussing the window

Must-change Zed Settings
Some inspiration on what configuration entries you could tweak to make Zed even more usefull!

Format PHP with PHP-CS-Fixer in Zed Editor
The new Code Editor Zed is balzing fast and has language support for PHP, so why not try it out?

How to log API Requests with Guzzle in PHP (YouTube API Client)
A quick tip if you want to see/log the raw HTTP responses when interfacing with a PHP library that does not expose the responses

How to leverage Multi-Stage Caches with Laravel and HAProxy
At Streamfinity we serve millions of requests with rapid response times using several stages of Caches

Level Up your PHP Code Style
A small suite of tools and linters I've learned to love over the time when working with PHP and Laravel

How to use Cloudflare Image Resizing with Statamic CMS
Integrate Cloudflare Images into Statamic CMS to deliver properly resized images.

Docker "Rosetta is only intended to run on Apple Silicon" on macOS Sequoia
How to Fix the Docker error "Rosetta is only intended to run on Apple Silicon with a macOS host using Virtualization.framework with Rosetta mode enabled" on macOS Sequoia Develper Beta

Streamfinity takes off!
Step up your reaction game! Streamfinity connects streamers, creators & communities in an unprecedented manner.

Run Multi-Step Job inside Docker Container with GitHub Actions
How to run a multistep GitHub Action inside a Docker Container for 100% reproducability

How to fix Nomad using wrong network interface for jobs
How to change the network interface used by Nomad to bind jobs on the correct interface.

Fujifilm X100VI vs all other X100 series cameras - What are the differences?
The Fujifilm X100VI will be available for purchase from February 28 for a list price of $1.599 - but how does it compare to the previous X100 series cameras? Should you buy the X100VI or the X100V?

Camera Gear you didn't know you needed in 2024
Explore a range of specialized and personally tested camera gear in my latest blog post, delving into unique tools that can elevate your photography experience.

Fix Consul reboot loop
I've recently encountered an issue with HasiCorp's Consul being stuck in a boot loop.

Best Productivity Apps for macOS 2023
Discover the top productivity apps for macOS in our latest blog post! Streamline your workflow, save time, and boost efficiency with these handpicked applications.

Get FUJIFILM X Webcam working on macOS
Follow these steps if you have been experiencing issues using your FUJIFILM mirrorless camera as webcam for macOS

All (good) FUJIFILM compact cameras - quick overview
When looking to buy a compact camera such as a the X100 I stumbled across some fascinating low profile devices you can still buy used.

Best Utility Tools & Apps for macOS 2023
Upgrade your macOS experience with our top utility apps and tools! From optimization to security, I've got you covered. Maximize your productivity and unleash the full potential of your Mac.

Run Cloudflare Tunnel for Lando service container
How to spin up a cloudflared tunnel and let others connect to your local Lando services.

All FUJIFILM X100 cameras compared + X100VI
Looking to upgrade your photography game with a high-end, compact camera? Look no further than Fujifilm's X100 series. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll compare and contrast all of the X100 models - from the original X100 to the latest X100VI

IT Security Guide (DE)
Wir haben hier einen kleinen, kompakten Guide erstellt, der eine Sensibilisierung im Thema der IT-Sicherheit herstellen soll und eine Orientierung mit konkreten Maßnahmen vorgibt.

Connect to any Lando service via Shell alias
Short shell alias function to open any database SQL client from the CLI when using Lando for local development.

Nomad reserved memory & CPU "OOM killed" issue
Fix the issue where Nomad reserves too much memory or CPU which results in tasks being killed by OOMKill.

Reset Calendar App on macOS
Clean refresh all calendars on the native macOS Calendar app without resetting the preferences.

Plausible self-hosted with Docker and Nomad
Guide on how to host Plausible with Docker on Hashi Nomad & Consul infrastructure.

Get started with HashiCorp Nomad & Consul
From 0 to 100 with HashiCorps Nomad & Consul including initial server setup, load balancing, service connection any much more.

My 2023 Web Development Setup

Consul connection drops: "nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet"
This error message means that the connection tracking table has reached its limit, causing various issues like network timeouts.

Sprinter: Monitor your internet connection uptime and latency
New release

Wanderer: Automatic deployment of Nomad jobs via GitHub Actions
Wanderer is a self-hosted deployment tool for Nomad orchestrated jobs.

How to link a Composer package for local development
Comprehensive guide on how to link a local composer package for development purposes.