Must-change Zed Settings

Must-change Zed Settings

Some inspiration on what configuration entries you could tweak to make Zed even more usefull!

Roman Zipp, October 10th, 2024

I recently started using Zed for full time development work and really fell in love. This post will show you some settings which helped me customizing the experience to my liking.


  // First things first, you can set the theme.mode to system in order to
  // automatically change between dark & light themes based on your system theme.
  "theme": {
    "mode": "system",
    "light": "Github Light (custom)",
    "dark": "Github Dark Dimmed (custom)"
  // Remove the < > buttons from the tab bar
  "tab_bar": {
    "show": true,
    "show_nav_history_buttons": false
  // Show file type icons in the tab bar. Also color them according to the
  // git status.
  "tabs": {
    "file_icons": true,
    "git_status": true
  // Decrease the horizontal indent size of files & folders in the project
  // panel to avoid horizontal scrolling
  "project_panel": {
    "indent_size": 16
  // Set a preferred line lenth, showing a vertical gutter bar
  "preferred_line_length": 160,
  // Set global tab size to 4, you could also make this language-specific but 4 
  // spaces works for me
  "tab_size": 4,

Language specific configuration


  "languages": {
    "Markdown": {
      // Wrap text according to the previously defined preferred line length.
      "soft_wrap": "preferred_line_length",
      // do not remove any trailing whitespace since line breaks in
      // lists (without adding a new punctuation) rely on whitespaces.
      "remove_trailing_whitespace_on_save": false


  "languages": {
    "LaTeX": {
      // Disable AI completions, it's latex...
      "show_inline_completions": false,
      // Same as in Markdown
      "soft_wrap": "preferred_line_length",
      // Just a matter of linking. I like more compact fluent text-
      "preferred_line_length": 110


  "languages": {
    "PHP": {

      // In my experience, the Intelephense LS works better then phpactor.
      // Adding a leading ! will exclude the entry.
      "language_servers": ["intelephense", "!phpactor"],

      "format_on_save": "on",
      "formatter": {
        "external": {
          "command": "bash",
          // Use the program STDIN file contents to call PHP-CS-Fixer. You should
          // move this part in the project-specific settings file.
          "arguments": [
            "temp=$(mktemp) && cat > $temp && ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --quiet $temp 2>&1 && cat $temp"
  "lsp": {
    "intelephense": {
      "files": {
        // Increase the max file size. Large projects easily cause composer autoload
        // files to increase over 1 MB (default)
        "maxSize": 3000000 

Vim Mode

  // Enable Vim mode. You probably found this already if you care.
  "vim_mode": true,

  // Use relative line numbers.
  "relative_line_numbers": true,
   // Allow f and t motions to extend across multiple lines.
  "use_multiline_find": true,

  // Scroll the whole view if your cursor is less than 20 horizontal lines
  // away from either part of your file viewport.
  "vertical_scroll_margin": 20,